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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Distributing Goods and Information Flow: Factors Influencing Online Purchasing Behavior of Indonesian Consumers

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.7, pp.5-17


Purpose: The distribution of goods and the flow of information, determined by consumer behavior toward online shopping, is drastically popular worldwide. This study examines some factors such as brand trust, online sales promotion, consumer personality, delivery service, quality assurance, information search, and online consumer satisfaction influence online shopping behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: A constructed questionnaire in an online survey was conducted with 241 random cluster respondents in the greater Jakarta Area. Structure equation model was utilized to analyze and verify all the data. Results: Research finding indicates online sales promotion, delivery service, quality assurance, and online consumer satisfaction positively influence information search. Meanwhile, brand trust, quality assurance, and information search positively influence online shopping behavior. However, the result illustrates that consumer personality negatively influences both information search and online shopping behavior. Conclusions: To influence online shopping behavior, the most important factors that need to be considered by marketplaces are quality assurance. It positively motivates Indonesia's citizens to collect information and make unplanned purchases. The study finding can be a reference for brands to maintain and build outstanding product quality, an informational website, and an excellent marketing strategy so that customers can meet their expectations. Besides, it also broadens both companies' and individuals' knowledge about the digital revolution on consumer behavior.

Consumer behavior, Distribution, Factors of online shopping, Indonesian consumers, Purchasing behavior



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The Journal of Distribution Science