ISSN : 1738-3110
Purpose: This research is aimed to study the level of the intellectual potential distribution, as well as the correlation between economic growth and key indicators of intellectual potential in each region of Kazakhstan. A review of the conceptual framework shows that there is a large body of research evaluating the level of intellectual potential in different ways based on different factors. Research design, data, and methodology: The research methodology is divided into two groups the integral index method using the normalization of indicators, weighting, and ranking; the method of correlation analysis. By the proposed methodological approaches, were calculated a set of factors affect the distribution of the intellectual potential. Statistics are taken for indicators of development of the intellectual potential for 2011-2020 from the Bureau of National Statistics. Results: Ranking results showed gaps between regions in Kazakhstan by the level of intellectual potential. Correlation analysis results revealed a statistically significant relationship on expenditures on R&D, computer literacy, innovative products, number of PhD students, and cultural and leisure indicators. Conclusions: Based on the obtained results of the intellectual potential level development there were given recommendations for the reproduction and regulation of the intellectual potential in the future.
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