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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Determinants Of Patronage Intention Though Omnichannel Retailing

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2022, v.20 no.8, pp.21-31
OLFA, Bouzaabia


Purpose: This study aims to enrich the literature related on Patronage intention in the context of omnichannel in Tunisia. It reveals the determinants of Patronage intention in the fashion retailer context by examining the roles of omnichannel integration quality (IQ), omnichannel perceived value (PV), flexibility, operational logistics service quality (OLSQ) and customer satisfaction. Research design and methodology: A quantitative online survey with 400 customers of fashion retailers was executed. A structural equation modeling approach was applied to test the research hypotheses using AMOS 25 and SPSS 25 software. Results: The findings show that the omnichannel integration quality, omnichannel perceived value, and operational logistics service quality affect play crucial roles in customer satisfaction. A positive relationship between flexibility and operational logistics service quality was also highlighted. And it is also found that a higher omnichannel integration quality led to a higher omnichannel perceived value in the omnichannel retailing context. Furthermore, customer satisfaction within omnichannel retailing can enhance patronage intention. Conclusions: This research adds to the body of knowledge in omnichannel retailing and presents a comprehension of the omnichannel system from the customer's point of view. In addition, this study provides practical implications for omnichannel retailers to improve customer satisfaction and patronage intention.

Patronage Intention, Customer Satisfaction, Operational Logistics Service Quality, Integration Quality, Ominichannel Retailing



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The Journal of Distribution Science