Yu-Shuang Yao and Richard Gombrich, Chinese Buddhism Today: Conservatism, Modernism, Syncretism and Enjoying Life on the Buddha's Light Mountain. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing, 2022, 127 pp. ISBN: 978-18-00502314, $80.00 (pbk)
대순사상과 동아시아종교 / The Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia, (P)2799-3949; (E)2799-4252
2024, v.3 no.2, pp.147-148
J. Gordon Melton
(Baylor University)
J. Gordon Melton.
(2024). Yu-Shuang Yao and Richard Gombrich, Chinese Buddhism Today: Conservatism, Modernism, Syncretism and Enjoying Life on the Buddha's Light Mountain. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing, 2022, 127 pp. ISBN: 978-18-00502314, $80.00 (pbk). 대순사상과 동아시아종교, 3(2), 147-148, https://doi.org/10.25050/jdtrea.2024.3.2.147