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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30

  • P-ISSN2799-3949
  • E-ISSN2799-4252

논문 상세

Home > 논문 상세
  • P-ISSN 2799-3949
  • E-ISSN 2799-4252

The Spiritual Nexus: Daesoon Jinrihoe and Its Diverse Connections to World Religions

The Spiritual Nexus: Daesoon Jinrihoe and Its Diverse Connections to World Religions

대순사상과 동아시아종교 / The Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia, (P)2799-3949; (E)2799-4252
2024, v.4 no.1, pp.59-82
Mohammad Jahangir ALAM (University of Dhaka)


The emergence and development of Daesoon Jinrihoe in the late 19th century on the Korean Peninsula have placed it as a significant modern religious tradition in contemporary Korea. The article explores its social background and unveils its strong bond and relationships with other world religions and systems of philosophical thought.

animism; ancient religious system; Korean traditions; acculturation; new religions; Kang Jeungsan; Daesoon Jinrihoe


The emergence and development of Daesoon Jinrihoe in the late 19th century on the Korean Peninsula have placed it as a significant modern religious tradition in contemporary Korea. The article explores its social background and unveils its strong bond and relationships with other world religions and systems of philosophical thought.

animism; ancient religious system; Korean traditions; acculturation; new religions; Kang Jeungsan; Daesoon Jinrihoe

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대순사상과 동아시아종교