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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Investigating Factors of Higher Education on Job Satisfaction, Globalization, and Hosting Country

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2021, v.12 no.2, pp.7-17
Cho, Yooncheong


Purpose: Previous studies have rarely examined the role of higher education for human capital development in the case of Korea. The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of higher education for international students in globalized environment on job satisfaction, globalization, and hosting country. Research questions include the following: i) how do application and improvement on work, performance, self-confidence, and use of network affect job satisfaction; ii) how do leadership, policy improvement, public diplomacy, social responsibility and global competence affect globalization?; iii) how do affective, cognitive, and behavioral components affect attitude of hosting country? Research design, data, and methodology: Online survey and interviews were conducted. For quantitative research, this study applied factor and structural equational modeling, while for qualitative research, this study applied cognitive mapping and sentimental analysis. Results: This study found that most of proposed effects showed significant. The results showed consistent for quantitative and qualitative researches. Conclusions: The results implied that higher education in global environment plays a key role to enhance job satisfaction, globalization, and attitude toward the hosting country and contributes to foster international relations significantly. The results also implied that human capital development in globalized environment helps improve global network and public diplomacy.

Higher Education, Job Satisfaction, Globalization, Human Capital



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business