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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Effects of Wage on FDI Inflows Based on the Threshold of Institutional Quality

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2021, v.12 no.8, pp.41-52
LEE, Sunhae
JEON, Young-Hoon


Purpose: The study aims to analyze effects of wage on FDI inflows based on the threshold of institutional quality in 14 developing economies of Southeast and South Asia over the period from 2000-2017. Research design, data, and methodology: The study applies a fixed effect panel threshold regression. As a proxy for the institutional quality, it uses the six components of Worldwide Governance Indicators or a compound index obtained by an average of the six components. The data were taken from World Bank, the Chinn & Ito Database, and UNCTAD. To the best of our knowledge, no researches so far have considered the threshold of institutional quality in estimating the effect of wage on FDI inflows. Results: The composite index and each component of the six indicators of institutional quality except for voice and accountability, and regulatory quality are found to have nonlinear effects on FDI inflows. When the institutional quality is below the threshold, wage affects FDI inflows negatively. When the institutional quality is above the threshold, however, wage does not significantly affect FDI inflows. Conclusions: The effect of wage on FDI inflows varies depending on whether the institutional quality of the target countries is above or below the threshold.

Developing Countries, FDI, Institutional Quality, Panel Threshold Regression, Wage



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business