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The Effect of Capital Accumulation and Unemployment Rates on GDP in South Korea between 2000 and 2005

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.12, pp.33-39
LEE, Donghae
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Purpose: This research investigates the paths of some important economic variables: government domestic product (GDP), capital accumulation, unemployment rates. Decreasing GDP, declining capital accumulation and higher unemployment affect to South Korea economy. The macroeconomic policies discussed are all capital financed accumulation policy and an enactment of unemployment regulation. Research design, data and methodology: The GDP, capital accumulation rates and unemployment rates are the main macroeconomic issues in the South Korea. This research studies the correlations of the GDP, capital accumulation, and unemployment rates by time series data from 2000 to 2005 in a Vector Autoregressive (VAR). Results: The first, GDP relates a positive effect between the GDP and capital accumulation in the long term. The second, there is the negative relationship between GDP and unemployment rates. Economic growth was strongly supported by employment growth and by declining unemployment. The third, There is positive relationship between unemployment rates and capital accumulation. Conclusions: This research provides that fiscal policy introduce to increasing GDP, private investments and employment rates. The GDP should be major on capital accumulation to increase employment rates in South Korea.

GDP, Capital Accumulation, Unemployment



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business