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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the Relationship of Benefits, Quality, and Continuity Intention in Community Services

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2017, v.8 no.4, pp.53-63
Lee, Hyun-Ju
Huh, Moo-Yul


Purpose - This study aims to examine the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and continuity intention of community services. It further investigates the mediation effect of relationship quality operating on the association between relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Thus, this study will aim to elucidate the correlations between relationship benefits, quality and community services intention. Research design, data, and methodology - To achieve these objectives, this study executed a questionnaire from the users of the child․adolescent psychological support service which represents part of community services. The research framework that was utilized in this study was of three main factors. They were relationship quality, relationship benefits, and intention of relationship continuity. In relationship quality, factors such as trust and commitment was included in this section. For relationship benefits, factors such as society benefits and commitment benefits were the essence. The control variable in this study was gender, age, income, hours of service used, and the number of times service was used in community services. Results - The key research findings are as follows. First, this study found out that the more the social benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention was. Second, this study has found out that the higher the trust of community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention. Third, this study has shown that the more the relationship benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the recognition by the users' relationship quality was. Fourth, the trust in the community services played a mediating role between the relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Conclusions - Many associations could be discovered on the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and community service continuality intention. These results will have important implications for the future of child and adolescent psychological support services. In terms of relationship marketing, the three factors; benefits, quality, and continuity intention in community services were proved to be pivotal. In order for the continuity intention in community services, the two factors of benefits and quality were the influential factors. From a policy maker's standpoint, the relationship continuity was the most important factor.

Relationship Benefits, Relationship Quality, Relationship Continuity Intention, Community Services



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business