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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Factors Influencing Users’ Word-of-Mouth Intention Regarding Mobile Apps : An Empirical Study

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.1, pp.51-65
Chen, Yao
Shang, Yu-Fei


Purpose - This paper aims to identify factors that influence the users' word-of-mouth intention (WOMI) regarding mobile apps, focussing on the impacts of technology acceptance model (TAM) and social network theory. Research design, data and methodology - Based on TAM, this study integrates social network theory into the research model. The 317 sets of data collected in a survey were tested against the model using SmartPLS. Results - Our findings suggest the following: 1) Personal innovativeness positively influences perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived enjoyment (PE); 2) PEU affects PU and PE; 3) Both PU and Satisfaction are directly correlated with WOMI. Although PEU and PE has no direct impact on WOMI, they may indirectly affect WOMI via Satisfaction, as PU, PEU and PE all positively influence satisfaction; 4) Network density and network centrality both play a mediating role in the relation between PEU and WOMI. Referral Reward Program have a positive moderating effect on the relation between PU and WOMI. Conclusions - The findings of this study illustrate the traits of Apps that can promote users' WOMI, as well as the characteristics of people who are more likely to participate in the word-of-mouth process. The findings provide a theoretical basis for app developers to make word-of-mouth a marketing strategy.

Word-of-Mouth Intention, TAM, Customer Satisfaction, Social Network Theory, Personal Innovativeness



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business