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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Influence on the Importance of Store Attributions on Korean Consumer Satisfaction in Duty Free Stores

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.2, pp.73-80
Lyu, Moon-Sang


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to clarify the difference of store attributes of Korean consumers and to analyze it's influence on consumer satisfaction in duty free stores which gain ground inch by inch in the distribution chanel. And it is to find discriminative result as compared with foreign consumer. Research design, data, and methodology - Subjects for the quantitative study, quota sampling was adopted in the Lotte, Shilla downtown and airport duty free stores from the first to 15<sup>th</sup> December 2016 and 177 questionnaires from Koreans who had purchasing experience in off line duty free store were analyzed. The data was analyzed by using factor and reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, the independent sample t-test and multiple regression analysis. To test consistency, Cronbach's alpha was used. Results - The result were as follows; 1. Korean consumers consider the importance of store attributes in duty free stores in order Product, Economic Feasibility, Convenience, Promotion, and Accessibility. 2. The meaningful impactive factors of duty free store attributes on consumer satisfaction turned out Product and Promotion. 3. These results show meaningful distinction between Koreans and foreigners in terms of consumer satisfaction in duty free stores. Conclusions - A marketer who is working for duty free store consider now that price benefit can not give strong impact to Korean consumers more and should concentrate on various brand assortment even including private brand. In terms of promotion, most duty free shops put special stress on foreign consumer's wants now as highly increasing of Chinese travelers but Korean consumer's sales portion and number of visitor also are steadily increasing. Therefore, a duty free marketer should prepare the Korean-oriented services with more enhanced promotion strategies for individual and group travellers, for example, a mileage service, VIP room and social network system to satisfy Korean consumers. In order to get satisfaction from Korean consumers, it makes effort on product and promotion than accessibility, price and convenience. Due to high level influence, further study is needed to enlarge to on-line market and to develop private brands for duty free stores.

Duty Free Store, Store Attributes, Consumer Satisfaction



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business