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Guidelines for Authors

Information for Authors

The Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (JISTaP), which is published quarterly by the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KISTI), welcomes materials that reflect a wide range of perspectives and approaches on diverse areas of information science theory, application, and practice. JISTaP is an Open Access journal run under the Open Access Policy. See the section on Open Access for detailed information on the Open Access Policy. JISTaP does not charge author fees.

Originality and Copyright
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Once an article is accepted for publication, all papers are accessible to all users at no cost. If used for other researchers, its source should be indicated in an appropriate manner and the content can be used for both uncommercial and commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License.

Peer Review
All submitted manuscripts undergo a single-blind peer review process in which the identities of the reviewers are withheld from the authors. Editing Peer Reviews (COPE)

Manuscript Submission  Download ACOMS Manual_Eng(final)
Authors should submit their manuscripts online via Article Contribution Management System Plus (ACOMS+). Online submission facilitates processing and reviewing of submitted articles, thereby substantially shortening the paper lifecycle from submission to publication. After checking the manuscript’s compliance with the Manuscript Guidelines, please follow the “Online Submission” hyperlink in the top navigation menu to begin the online manuscript submission process.

Open Access and Creative Commons License Statement   

All JISTaP content is Open Access, meaning it is accessible online to everyone, without fee and authors’ permission. Open Access articles are automatically archived in the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)’s Open Access repository (AccessON). All JISTaP content is published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Under this license, the authors retain full ownership of their work, while permitting anyone to use, distribute, and reproduce the content in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. For any reuse, redistribution, or reproduction of a work, users must clarify the license terms under which the work was produced.

Appealing Editorial Decision
If authors wish to appeal an editorial decision, they can follow this step-by-step procedure:

Step 1: Contact the Editorial Office
Authors have 30 days from the receipt of the decision email to initiate an appeal. They can contact the editorial office, expressing their intention to appeal. 

Step 2: Submission of Appeal
Authors should provide a written appeal that outlines the grounds for their appeal. Additional information that may support their case can also be included.

Step 3: Review and Assessment
An independent reviewer, not involved in the initial decision, will be assigned to assess the appeal. This reviewer will carefully examine the appeal, the original manuscript, and any relevant comments.

Step 4: Reviewer's Recommendation
Based on the assessment, the reviewer will make a recommendation. This recommendation will either uphold the original decision or propose an alternative.

Step 5: Outcome Communication
The corresponding author will be notified of the appeal outcome, along with the rationale provided by the reviewer. It's important to note that the decision reached through the appeal process is final.

Commitment to Integrity and Transparency
The appeal process underscores the journal's dedication to maintaining integrity and fairness. It offers authors a means to ensure accountability within the peer review system.
For inquiries or to initiate an appeal, please contact jistap@kisti.re.kr

Manuscript Guidelines
Manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines outlined below will be returned for correction. Please read the guidelines carefully and make sure that the manuscript follows the guidelines as specified. We strongly recommend that authors download and use the manuscript template in preparing their submissions.

1. Page Layout:
All articles should be submitted in single column text on standard letter-size paper (21.59 x 27.94 cm) with normal margins.
2. Length:
Manuscripts should normally be between 4,500 and 9,000 words (10 to 20 pages).
3. File Type:
Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. To facilitate the manuscript preparation process and speed up the publication process, please use the manuscript template.
4. Title Page

To facilitate a streamlined submission process that aligns with our single-blind review approach, kindly be informed that a separate title page submission is unnecessary. Instead, please incorporate the following information at the beginning of your manuscript:

- Title: Provide a concise yet informative title that encapsulates the essence of your work.

- Author Names: List the full names of all authors who have contributed to the manuscript.

- Affiliations: Provide comprehensive affiliations,  including the institution, department, city, state, and country of each author.

- Addresses (Optional): Include addresses to offer additional contextual information.

-  Corresponding Author's Email: Clearly indicate the active email address of the corresponding author for effective communication.

ORCID (If Available): If applicable, provide the 16-digit ORCID identifier for authors. 

Abstract: Below the title and author information, present a succinct abstract of 150 to 250 words that summarize the key points of your work.

Keywords: Conclude with 4 to 6 keywords that succinctly capture the main themes of your manuscript.

      5. Text Style:
      - Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman) no smaller than size 10.
      - Use single line spacing for paragraphs.
      - Use footnotes to provide additional information peripheral to the text.
        Footnotes to tables should be marked by superscript lowercase letters or asterisks.

      6. Figures and Tables:
      All figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the reference list. To note the placement of figures and tables in text, "Insert Table (or Figure) # here" should be inserted in appropriate places. Please use high resolution graphics whenever possible and make sure figures and tables can be easily resized and moved.
      7. Acknowledgements:
      Acknowledgments should appear in a separate section before the reference list.
      8. Citations:
         - Citations in-text should follow the author-date method (authors' surname followed by publication year).
         - Several studies found ... (Barakat et al., 1995; Garfield, 1955; Meho & Yang, 2007).
         - In a recent study (Smith & Jones, 2011) ...
         - Smith and Jones (2011) investigated ...
      9. Reference List:
      A reference list, formatted in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) style, should be alphabetized by the first author's last name.

         - Journal article
      Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue), start page-end page.

      Example: Smith, K., Jones, L. J., & Brown, M. (2012). Effect of Asian citation databases on the impact factor. Journal of Information Science Practice and Theory, 1(2), 21-34. 

         - Book
      Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Book title. Publisher location: Publisher Name.

      Smith, K., Jones, L. J., & Brown, M. (2012). Citation patterns of Asian scholars. London: Sage.

         - Book chapter
      Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher location: Publisher Name.

      Smith, K., & Brown, M. (2012). Author impact factor by weighted citation counts. In G. Martin (Ed.), Bibliometric approach to quality assessment (pp. 101-121). New York: Springer. 

         - Conference paper
      Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Conference title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher location: Publisher Name.

      Smith, K., & Brown, M. (2012). Digital curation of scientific data. In G. Martin & L. J. Jones (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Curation (pp. 41-53). New York: Springer.

         - Online document
      Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Retrieved from URL.

      Smith, K., & Brown, M. (2010). The future of digital library in Asia. Digital Libraries, 7, 111-119. Retrieved from http://www.diglib.org/publist.htm.