Editorial Board for the 60th Anniversary Special Issue
Guest Editor in Chief:
Dr. Minsu Joh
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: minsu.joh@kisti.re.kr
Guest Co-Managing Editors:
Dr. Hye-Sun Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: hyesun.kim@kisti.re.kr
Dr. Seonhee Lee
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: seonhee.lee@kisti.re.kr
Guest Editorial Board:
Dr. Kyong-Ha Lee
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: kyongha.lee@kisti.re.kr
Dr. Heejun Yoon
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: heejun.yoon@kisti.re.kr
Dr. Jun-Hwan Park
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: junhwan.park@kisti.re.kr
Dr. Min-Ki Noh
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
Email: minki.noh@kisti.re.kr