ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the different kinds of vocabulary at 18 months and the intellectual ability at 4 years. The total of 46 children (N=46) were participated in this study. MCDI-K assessed the children's vocabulary, which included the nouns, verb, adverb, and predicate completed by their mothers at 18 months. Moreover, K-WPPSI assessed the children's intellectual abilities, which was administrated by the examiner at 4 years. The results are as follow: First, there was a significant correlation between the number of nouns at 18 months and the vocabulary subtest scores at 4 years, and between the number of adverb at 18 months and the maze subtest score at 4 years, respectively. However there was no correlation between the expressive vocabulary and intellectual abilities in their development. Second, children whose expressive vocabulary was delayed in infancy had a lower intellectual ability. The study explored the characteristics of noun and vocabulary spurt.
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