E-ISSN : 2983-3973
Background; This study aims to describe an educational case on how pulse, abdominal, and tongue diagnosis methods can be taught effectively to Korean medicine students during clinical clerkship. Methods; A case is presented where these three diagnostic methods were integrated into a single practice process, along with relevant images, objectives, and performance conditions. Results; Learning objectives, procedures, and case images for pulse diagnosis, abdominal diagnosis, and tongue diagnosis were documented. Discussion and conclusion; Pulse diagnosis, abdominal diagnosis, and tongue diagnosis are unique methods that differentiate them from Western medicine among the objective diagnostic techniques of Korean medicine. To enhance objectivity and further systematization, the contents and procedures to be prepared are provided as examples. Pulse diagnosis can be performed in both sitting and lying positions, with measurements taken at the cun, guan, and chi points on both wrists. In the case of abdominal examination, the temperature of the skin, roughness, tenderness, shaking sound of water, and palpitation were measured, and in the case of tongue diagnosis, a picture was taken to examine the condition of the tongue. These examinations may facilitate peer discussion and promote the development of standardized evaluation criteria. In the future, efforts to refine the examination checklist and validate using diagnostic tools are expected to be necessary for abdominal examination and tongue examinations.