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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

외측상과염의 초음파유도하 자하거약침 치험1례

A Case Report of Ultrasound-guided Hominis Placenta Pharmacopuncture on Lateral epicondylitis

대한한의학회지 / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2024, v.45 no.2, pp.137-143
오승윤 (우석대학교)
김명호 (우석대학교병원)
박수정 (우석대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Objectives: This case study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided hominis placenta pharmacopuncture in lateral epicondylitis. Methods: A 42-year-old male patient presented with lateral epicondylitis of the right arm of 4 months’ duration. Sonographic findings were tearing of the common extensor tendon at the lateral epicondyle. The patient was treated with ultrasound-guided hominis placenta pharmacopuncture and acupuncture for 9 weeks. The numeric rating scale (NRS) and patient-rated tennis elbow evaluation(PRTEE) were used to assess pain, function and progression. Ultrasound images were compared every 2 weeks. Results: After treatments, NRS and PRTEE were reduced from 7 to 1 and from 106 to 22, respectively. And improvement was observed in the torn region of the common extensor tendon on ultrasound imaging. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that ultrasound-guided hominis placenta pharmacopuncture could improve lateral epicondylitis and tear with minimally invasive methods.

Lateral epicondylitis, Pharmacopuncture, Hominis Placenta, Ultrasonography, Case report

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