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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Protective effects of Puriton® on acute pancreatitis

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2024, v.45 no.3, pp.143-153
Dong-Uk Kim
Bitna Kweon
Kwang-Ho Kim
Gi-Sang Bae
Kyung Song
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Objectives: Puriton® is the electrolyte enriched water consisting of 31 essential minerals from biotite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, serpentine, and clinochlore, and vermiculite. It has been reported to be bactericidal and virucidal. However, the protective effect of Puriton® against acute pancreatitis (AP) has not yet been studied. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the protective effect of Puriton® against cerulein-induced AP. Methods: AP was induced by intraperitoneal injections of cerulein (50 μg/kg) hourly for 6 times. Puriton® (100, 300, 500, or 700 μL) was administered orally 1 hour before the first cerulein injection. Mice were sacrificed 6 hours after the last cerulein injection. Pancreas, lung, and serum samples were quickly collected for further analysis. Results: Administration of Puriton® did not reduce the ratio of pancreas weight to body weight. However, the increased serum amylase and lipase were decreased in the Puriton® administration group, and histological damage to pancreas and lung tissue was suppressed in the Puriton® 100 and 300 μL administration groups, but not in the Puriton® 500 and 700 μL administration groups. Additionally, among pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, the mRNA level of only IL-6 was decreased by Puriton® administration. Conclusion: In summary, we showed that the administration of Puriton® improved the severity of cerulein-induced AP, suggesting the possibility of being an effective drug for AP.

Puriton®, Acute Pancreatitis (AP), Cytokine

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