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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

A survey on the perception of the role of public health doctors of Korean medicine due to regional health care gaps

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2024, v.45 no.3, pp.168-180
Eunyoung Choi
Hyein Jeong
Harin Kwon
Soobo Shim
Hyelim Lee
Kyeong Han Kim
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Objectives: This study aims to understand the current state of regional healthcare services and explore the role of public health doctors of Korean medicine (PHDKMs) in addressing healthcare disparities. Methods: An online survey was conducted among 951 PHDKMs registered with the Korean Public Health Korean Medicine Doctors Association from July 15 to July 19, 2024. A total of 266 responses were collected, and after removing 2 insincere responses, 264 responses were used for analysis. The survey included questions on the provision of healthcare services and the role of PHDKMs in local healthcare crisis. Results: Out of 264 responses, 85 community health centers and branches (32.2%) lacked public health doctors (PHDs). The traveling clinics were the most common alternative in these cases. Centers without PHDs received 46 complaints (54.1%) about healthcare gaps, while centers with PHDs received 70 complaints (39.1%), showing statistically significant differences. The most common complaints involved consultation and management of chronic elderly diseases. PHDKMs reported being capable of providing musculoskeletal and internal medicine treatments, but identified a need for improvement in emergency response, basic and inflammatory treatments, consultation and management of chronic elderly diseases, administration of medications, and vaccinations. They expressed a high willingness and perceived capability to perform minor medical tasks. Conclusion: The decline in PHDs is adversely affecting regional healthcare. PHDKMs can help address these gaps through expanded roles and additional training. Policymakers should consider better integrating PHDKMs into the public healthcare system to ensure continuous and comprehensive healthcare services in underserved areas.

Public health doctors, Korean medicine, Regional healthcare gap

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