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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Principle of major acupoints composition: focus on Four Command and Star Twelve points

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2024, v.45 no.3, pp.235-242
Da-Eun Yoon
Heeyoung Moon
Yeonhee Ryu
Younbyoung Chae
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.Objectives: In order to select proper acupoints, it is important to understand the principle of major acupoints composition among 361 acupoints. Methods: We investigated the composition of major acupoints from Four Command points to Star Twelve points based on the classical medical texts. We reviewed the common principle of major acupoints composition. Results: First, major acupoints are chosen to treat the targeted diseases associated with the corresponding meridian channels and these acupoints are located in distal part of the body below the knee and the elbow. Second, main acupoints are supposed to be the representative points among acupoints with similar indications. Main acupoints can be selectively to treat a specific disease or condition, rather than be used for general effect simultaneously. Conclusions: We demonstrated the major acupoints from classical medical texts and revealed the common principles of major acupoints composition. These findings can help Korean medical doctors to choose more appropriate acupoints by understanding the principle of major acupoints composition.

acupoints, major acupoints, Four Command points, Star Twelve points

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