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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

A Scoping Review of Clinical Study in Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Focused on Blood Stasis

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2024, v.45 no.3, pp.76-90
Hye-Won An
Mi-so Park
Ji-Yeon Lee
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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to summarize the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of pelvic congestion syndrome(PCS) in traditional East-Asian medicine(TEM) and Western medicine(WM) from the point of blood stasis. Methods: We followed the methodology of 5 steps of scoping review by Arksey and O'Malley and Levac et al. Studies from 2010 to October 19, 2023 were searched through seven search engines. Two reviewers independently searched and screened the studies. When there was a disagreement, a third reviewer decided its eligibility. Results: A total of 78 studies were selected, and 40 were TEM studies and 38 were WM. The average age of the study subjects was in their 30s and most had more than one child. Most of TEM were intervention studies and WM were mostly observational studies. In the WM, the etiology of PCS was considered pelvic venous insufficiency, and in the TEM, pathological conditions caused blood stasis in the pelvis. In TEM, the diagnosis was made according to previous studies' criteria; in WM, it was made through imaging. To treat PCS, WM seeks to block extended veins with embolization, and TEM to improve the environment in which stagnant blood is created through various treatments such as herbal medicine, enema therapy, etc. Total efficient rate (TER) in TEM and imaging findings in WM were most often used as outcome measures. Conclusions: This study summarized and analyzed overall concepts of PCS in TEM and WM.

Pelvic congestion syndrome, Blood stasis, Scoping review, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Korean Medicine

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