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Vol.3 No.2

; pp.3-12

This paper presents the proposed methods of DE(distinct element ) modelling to estimate the stability of tunnels injointed rock masses. First, the criterion to select the joint set(s) contributed to the discontinuous behaviour in a tunnelsection is proposed. Selected joint set(s) is(are) considered others to modify the elastic properties of rock blocks. The co mplex DE model with the average and the deviation of jointorientation and joint length for each joint set was compared to the simple model with only the average of joint orientationlt, the latter is suitable to the purpose of tunnel designbecause it can show the consistent behaviour of a jointed rock mass such as the locally discontinuous failure and theglobal anisotropic behaviour.

; pp.13-22

In this study, numerical analyses on cut-and-cover tunnel linin gs were performed using different modeling methodsoses were to find a relatively more reasonable modelingmethod and boundary conditions. The results of the study reveal ed problems associated with each modeling method andfactors influencing the behavior of cut-and-cover tunnel lining condition in a more rational way. It was indicated that, under the given conditions, displacements and member forcesoccurring on concrete lining could be different as much as 53% depending on the type of modeling method applied; andn of boundary conditions properly simulating actualfield conditions and verification of prediction based on instru mentation are essential for rational design and analysis.

; pp.23-32

Rock masses are usually discontinuous in nature, as a result of various geological processes they havegation and coalescence processes mainlycause rock failures in tunnels. In this study, we focused on th e crack initiation, propagation and coalescenceprocess of rock materials containing two pre-existing open crac uniaxial compression, wing crack initiation stress, wing crack propagation angle, and crack coalescencestress of Diastone gypsum and Yeosan Marble specimens were exam ined. And crack initiation, propagation,ed (shear+tensile) types of crack coalescenceoccurred. To compare the experimental results with Ashby & Hall am model, crack coalescence stress wasnormalized and it generally agreed with the experimental result s.


It is well known fact that all rocks exhibit brittle properties and time depends strain properties(creep). Ancks is believed to be essential in the field of Civil andtunnelling. The rock and concrete creep in various forms of loa ding conditions and physical environment are reviewed. Acomparison of creep behaviour between rocks and concrete is pro vided, in order to bring two existing relativelyindependent methods of predicting creep strain closer together. It was felt that the physical process in the creep of rockswould be similar to the process in creep of concrete. Since exp elastic(creep) mechanical behaviour of all crystalline solids ( i.e. concrete, rocks, ceramics and refractories) and singlematerials have a common base. Also a comparison of the results for the accepted methods of estimating creep in rocksthe knowledge of deformational characteristics of thesetwo materials.
