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Vol.8 No.2

; ; pp.87-99

A kinematically constrained microplane constitutive model is developed for intact granite. The model is verified by fitting the experimented data of Westerly granite and Bonnet granite. Using the model with the standard finite element method, the behavior of the intact granite subjected blasting impact is studied. What is studied includes the attenuation of the blasting waves, the size of the fractured zone and the effect of the charge condition to avoid overbreak of the rock mass. The model developed captures the energy loss due to the inelastic behavior and the microcracking of granite during blasting very well. The attenuation of the blasting waves calculated based on the model is much more than that based on the linear-elastic constitutive law. The size of damaged (or fractured) zone is calculated directly from the principal strain as blasting impact is spreading, not like in the case with the linear elasticity model.

; pp.101-113

Arching effect occurs around the unsupported excavation surface near to tunnel face when a tunnel is excavated in a stable rock mass. If a weak fracture zone exists in front of tunnel face, a displacement occurs between tunnel face and weak fracture zone due to stress concentration. If three-dimensional absolute coordinates (longitudinal, transverse, vertical direction) is measured at tunnel face by geodetic method, the ground change in front of the tunnel face can be predicted by analysing three-dimensional absolute displacement. The purpose of this study is to verify the analysis method of three-dimensional absolute displacement by comparing the trend of displacement ratio at crown and sidewall of tunnel and the influence line/trend line of crown settlement compared with TSP results in the same section.

; ; ; ; pp.115-128

The structural anisotropy and heterogeneity of rock mass, caused by discontinuities and weak zones, have a great influence on the deformation behavior of a tunnel. A tunnel construction in these complex ground conditions is very difficult. No matter how excellent a geological investigation is, local uncertainties of rock mass conditions still remain. Under these uncertain circumstances, an accurate forecast of the ground conditions ahead of the advancing tunnel face is indispensable to a safe and economic tunnel construction. This paper presents the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity of the rock masses to be excavated by numerical analysis. The influences of distance from weak zone, the size or dimension, the different stiffness and the orientation of weak zones are analysed by 3-D finite element analysis. By analysing these numerical results, the tunnel behavior due to excavation can be well understood and the prediction of rock mass condition ahead of the tunnel face can be possible.

; pp.129-139

When blasting by imposing the time difference between two adjacent charge holes, the mutual interference phenomenon occurs depending the feature of blast. This interference phenomenon of blast amplifies or compensates the blast-induced vibration depending on the overlapping mechanism. Thus, this experiment aims at finding out the optimum delay time by measuring the blast vibration data from the single hole blast during the blasting test and composing each blasting waveform, and at proving the its efficiency by applying the composition delay time in the entire cross section. The experiment showed that the blasting-induced vibration was reduced by endowing an optimum delay time of electronic detonator appropriate to the rock quality of construction site compared to the typical delay time (20, 25ms) of existing detonator (non-electric and electric detonator). From these results, the excavation efficiency using blasting could be enhanced..

; ; Nishimura Kazuo ; Tsuyoshi Domon pp.141-149

For application of NATM, the self-supporting until installation of the supporting system must be satisfied. However, the face of a tunnel are always unsupported and therefore it is fairly vulnerable to tunnel collapses. Face blots are well known and widely used to prevent the deformation of the tunnel face and its circumference, which are installed horizontally toward the tunnel axis generally. To maximize the supporting effect of face bolts, this study has analysed the effective design patterns of face bolts by changing their installation angles. As the conclusion, it has been found that the axial displacement of the face increases slightly by installing the outermost bolts upward from the axis but surface settlement at 2.5D behind the face decreases up to 18%.

; pp.151-163

Although various methods for effective modeling of pre-reinforced zones have been suggested for numerical analysis of large section tunnels, tunnel designers refer to empirical cases and literature reviews rather than engineering methods because ones who use commercial programs are unfamiliar with a macro-scale approach in general. Therefore, this paper suggests a simple micro-scale approach combined with the macro-scale approach to determine equivalent design parameters for effective numerical modeling of pre-reinforced zones in tunnel. This new approach is to determine the equivalent stiffness of pre-reinforced zones with combination of ground, bulb, and steel in series or/and parallel. For verification, 3-D numerical results from the suggested approach are compared with those of a realistic model. The comparison suggests that two cases make best approximation to a realistic solution: One is related to the series-parallel stiffness system (hereafter SPSS) in which bulb and steel are coupled in parallel and then connected to the ground in series, and the other is the series stiffness system (hereafter SSS) in which only bulb and steel are coupled in series. The SPSS is recommended for stiffness calculation of pre-reinforced zones because the SSS is inconvenient and time-consuming. The SPSS provides slightly bigger vertical displacement at tunnel crown in weathered rock than other cases and give almost identical results to a realistic model for horizontal displacement at tunnel spring line and ground surface settlement. Displacement trends on weathered rock and weathered soil are similar. The SPSS which is suggested in this paper represents the behavior mechanism of pre-reinforced area effectively.

; ; ; pp.165-182

In this study, field test was performed to investigate the strength-improvement effect of shotcrete mixed Micro-silica fume and shotcrete quality was estimated by EFNARC standard. Deterioration test combined the Freezing-thawing and Carbonation was also performed in order to investigate a long-term durability of high-strength shotcrete. As a result of test, the compressive strength of shotcrete using Micro-silica fume was 45.2~55.8MPa and flexible strength was 5.01~6.66MPa, so a promotion ratio of strength was 37~79%, 17~61% respectively. And the strength-improvement effect of strength by silica fume addition ratio of 7.5~10% for cement mass was more superior to the others. Due to relative dynamic modulus, mass decrease rate and carbonation progress of shotcrete mixed Micro-silica fume, it was especially realized that Micro-silica fume reduced deterioration caused by steel fiber and improved a long-term durability of shotcrete.

; ; ; pp.183-196

Rock joint roughness obtained from the camera-type 3D scanner was classified into waviness and unevenness. The classification criteria were established in the previous study; digital filtering was used to distinguish one from another. The classified and original profiles were used to produce metal moulds. For accurate machining of the moulds, the WEDM(Wire-cut Electric Discharge Machining) was adopted. Specimens were cast using high strength gypsum, and joint shear tests were performed by varying normal stress from low value to high one. Roughness mobilization characteristics depending on the asperity scale and the applied normal stress were investigated. A new equation was proposed to predict shear strength of rock joint, which can consider the characteristics of roughness mobilization and roughness parameters. The roughness quantification composed of waviness and unevenness was found to be a useful method to predict the joint shear strength.
