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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

Kang Jeungsan’s Grievance-Resolution & Withstanding for Mutual Beneficence, His Direction of the East Asian Philosophy of Life

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2022, v.3, pp.47-67
Seon-keun Cha (Daejin University)
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Philosophy of life which emerged in the late 19th century declined in the 20th century. This is because it failed to overcome the criticism that was secretive and private as well as informal, empirical, and psychological. However, cutting-edge biotechnology and artificial intelligence have forced us to philosophically contemplate about life in depth. This is the reason why we have no choice but bring back that issue. Compared with the past, the method to carry this out has to be just object, self-reflecting, and scholarly. In East Asian thought, there will be no small contents to be included in the discussion of philosophy of life. This article believes that one of them should be to shed light on the conflicts and grievances of life and resolve them. Such an argument was developed by Kang Jeungsan of Korea. He thought all of human beings and things were in danger of annihilation and apprehended that it had resulted from mutual contention and grievances caused by it. According to his diagnosis for the problem, Jeungsan placed mutual beneficence under the premise and drew the solution of the grievance-resolution for one another with the aim of mutual beneficence. The Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth, one of his notable religious activities, were precisely focused on such grievance-resolution and withstanding for mutual beneficence. The philosophy of life, which is based on grievance-resolution and withstanding for mutual beneficence, can be an appropriate solution to the perpetrator-victim problem today. The perpetrator and the victim are led to be aware of themselves that they are on the position of saving each other’s life. Based on this mutual beneficence, establishing the justice of an individual, the society, and the nation is just philosophy of life in the grievance-resolution and withstanding.

philosophy of life, Kang Jeungsan, Daesoon Jinrihoe, grievance, grievance-resolution and withstanding for mutual beneficence, the problem of a perpetrator and a victim

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Journal of Daesoon Studies