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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

How Can Daesoon Thought Contribute to Resolving Global Civilizational Crises of the World?

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2023, v.5, pp.1-28
Kyu-han Bae (Daejin University)
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This article aims to apprehend a religious role in resolving present-day global civilizational crises from the perspective of Korean religious thought. Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to describe the causes of civilizational crises that have persisted into modern times, as explained by Daesoon Thought originating in the end of the Joseon era, a period of upheaval. In addition, the study also delves into the reasons why the resolution and overcoming of civilizational crises require the principle of grievance-resolution for mutual beneficence and its social practice. The paper elaborately elucidates the final state of the world established by practicing grievance-resolution for mutual beneficence. Grievance-resolution for mutual beneficence is a representative concept for illuminating world peace as well as the principle. Jeungsan, the Holy Master, foretells that the world, the cosmos, namely the three realms of Heaven, Earth, and humanity, have accumulated grievances and grudges, yet they are resolved through religious reordering and the principle of grievance-resolution for mutual beneficence. Finally, he states that the paradisical land in the Later World represents the eternal peaceful world. This prophecy suggested by Jeungsan, the Holy Master, provides an essential clue for the resolution and overcoming of civilizational crises faced by humanity. Simultaneously, he presents a hopeful milestone to the world in civilizational crises. In the face of unprecedented natural disasters, climate change, explosive population growth, environmental pollution and degradation, resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity, inequality and poverty, excessive consumption, constant wars, and the accumulation of nuclear weapons, humanity and the world are coming together to make various efforts to address global civilization crises. However, as of yet, a clear consensus and viable alternatives needed for problem resolution have not been identified. In this regard, this paper seeks the way in which Daesoon Jinrihoe can help resolve civilizational crises by dividing the topics into three sections: ‘the global civilizational crises and grievance-resolution for mutual beneficence,’ ‘resolution and overcoming of grievance for mutual beneficence and global civilizational crises.’

Daesoon Thought, Resolution of Grievance for Mutual Beneficence, world peace, crisis of the world civilization, era of human nobility, paradisical era, peaceful era

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Journal of Daesoon Studies