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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

Illuminating the Downfall of a Nation through the Lens of Grievance Resolution: Focusing on the Downfall of Baekje, Goguryeo, Silla, and Later Baekje

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2023, v.5, pp.81-113
Seon-keun Cha (Daejin University)
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This article explores the downfall of Baekje, Goguryeo, Silla, and Later Baekje through the lens of grievance resolution. It asserts that while the factors leading to a nation's demise often involve elements like politics, military, diplomacy, and economics, revenge, as a primal human emotion, can also play a significant role. The narratives depicting vengeance as the catalyst for the destruction of nations are compelling. The reader is persuaded of history's unfolding inevitability, guided by the universal Talion law that has persisted throughout human history. The use of violence to address grievances is portrayed as a justified expression of a natural human need. Essentially, this article argues that violence against others (or oneself) is central to resolving grievances, as demonstrated by the historical record of national destruction. It is disconcerting, however, that many modern Korean religions stemming from Jeungsan incorporate “grievance resolution” as a fundamental tenet. While their interpretation of grievance resolution may not involve violent revenge, the original concept implies a terrifying act with violent undertones. Therefore, if these denominations do not perceive their grievance resolution as violent, they should use an alternative term to prevent misunderstandings. Currently, Daesoon Jinrihoe is one of the few organizations taking this approach. Since its establishment, the organization has coined the term "Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence" instead of simply "Resolution of Grievances" within its religious doctrine. This deliberate choice underscores that the grievance resolution advocated by Daesoon Jinrihoe is non-violent and seeks mutual benefit. Given that the essence of grievance resolution is often associated with violence, Daesoon Jinrihoe's distinct terminology sets it apart from other denominations.

Collapse of A State, Talion Law, Resolution of Grievances, Revenge, Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence

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Journal of Daesoon Studies