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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

Becoming an Immortal through the Cauldron: The Function and Evolution of the Treasure Cauldron in the Process of Immortality

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2024, v.6, pp.101-130
Jie Liu (Capital Normal University, China)
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The cauldron (鼎 ding) held a very special political function and was already deified during the pre-Qin (先秦) period. When Daoist external alchemy (外丹術) gained popularity, the cauldron was incorporated into the system of immortal culture, becoming an essential tool for achieving immortality. The specific function of the cauldron’s immortal elements included summoning immortals or divine objects (仙物) through the cauldron, thereby allowing oneself to become an immortal under their guidance. The idea that one could become immortal through the cauldron is related to the sacred functions of the treasure cauldron (寶鼎) found in pre-Qin legends. This concept frequently appears in ancient documents and murals. After the rise of Daoist external alchemy, the cauldron became an indispensable tool for making elixirs. In other words, the immortal elements associated with the cauldron were integrated and supplemented by external alchemical thought. Nevertheless, the belief that immortals or divine objects could be summoned through the cauldron continued to influence later generations.

treasure cauldron, becoming an immortal, immortal culture

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Journal of Daesoon Studies