ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper conceptualizes the development of sea cucumber aquaculture industry in South Korea promoted under the national ‘Green Growth’ plan as a neoliberalizing process of nature. Using assemblage theory attending to heterogeneity, dynamism, and participation of multiple human and more-than-human actors, this paper extends the horizon of the hitherto state-centered South Korean scholarship on neoliberalization of nature. This paper argues that government policies and institutions, which appear to be a product of a post-developmental state strategy, in effect emerge from the crossings and convergences of state and non-state actors’ will to improve. This paper demonstrates that a temporary yet coherent assemblage of Green Growth-tidal flat fisheries-sea cucumber aquaculture amplified developmentalism imposed on nature and accelerated its neoliberal production. In the process, sea cucumber as a more-than-human actor performed an agency confronting the collective human actors’ will to improve, resisting against a linear path of development based on the principles of progress. This paper rethinks the notion of developmentalism as consisting of individual desires, while also being a legacy of the developmental state. In the post-developmental era, developmentalism operates as a long-run force that continues to reconfigure the society. Assemblage theory is useful in thinking beyond state-centered perspectives and understanding the deeper and lasting implications of developmentalism.
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