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IoT-based Indoor Localization Scheme

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2016, v.2 no.4, pp.35-39
Kim, Tae-Kook
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This paper is about IoT(Internet of Things)-based indoor localization scheme. GPS and WiFi are widely used to estimate the location of things. However, GPS has drawback of poor reception and radio disturbance in doors. To estimate the location in WiFi-based method, the user collects the information by scanning nearby WiFi(s) and transferring the information to WiFi database server. This is a fingerprint method with disadvantage of having an additional DB server. IoT is the internetworking of things, and this is on rapid rise. I propose the IoT-based indoor localization scheme. Under the proposed method, a device internetworking with another device with its own location information like GPS coordinate can estimate its own location through RSSI. With more devices localizing its own, the localization accuracy goes high. The proposed method allows the user to estimate the location without GPS and WiFi DB server.

사물인터넷, 실내 위치 추정

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society