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Flow Handover Management Scheme based on QoS in SDN Considering IoT

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2020, v.6 no.2, pp.45-50

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In this paper, we propose a QoS-based handover management scheme in SDN. Even though there have been lots of recent services such as IoT, the conventional networks provide a monolitic handover method without considerations on flow-specific QoS features. For example, the conventional Internet provides a handover method which only considers IP continuity. On the other hand, 4G and 5G networks use a strict handover method for all kinds of flows with resource reservations. This means that it is difficult to guarantee the QoS requirements for the flow with a strict QoS requirement in Internet and the inefficient resource utilization can occur in the 4G and 5G because of the strict QoS-based handover management. The proposed scheme proposes the flow handover management scheme based on QoS requirements according to the SDN controller’s management. From the network operators’ perspective, the proposed scheme can provide the efficient resource utilization as well as QoS provisioning.

SDN, handover, QoS, flow management, SDN, 핸드오버, QoS, 플로우 관리



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society