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Analytical Modelling and Heuristic Algorithm for Object Transfer Latency in the Internet of Things

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2020, v.6 no.3, pp.1-6

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This paper aims to integrate the previous models about mean object transfer latency in one framework and analyze the result through the computational experience. The analytical object transfer latency model assumes the multiple packet losses and the Internet of Things(IoT) environment including multi-hop wireless network, where fast re-transmission is not possible due to small window. The model also considers the initial congestion window size and the multiple packet loss in one congestion window. Performance evaluation shows that the lower and upper bounds of the mean object transfer latency are almost the same when both transfer object size and packet loss rate are small. However, as packet loss rate increases, the size of the initial congestion window and the round-trip time affect the upper and lower bounds of the mean object transfer latency.

Object Transfer Latency, TCP Congestion Control, Packet Loss, IoT, 객체 전송 지연, TCP 혼잡제어, 패킷 손실, 사물인터넷



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society