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Developing an Endangered Species Habitat Management System based on Location Information

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2020, v.6 no.3, pp.67-73

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The research status of endangered amphibians in Korea was mainly studied the life-cycle and distribution status of species from the 1980s to the early 2000s. Although a relatively diverse range of studies have been conducted on mackerels, studies on habitat prediction, analysis, change and management are insufficient. WEB, which provides biota information using location information in Korea, is a site operated by the National Bio Resource Center under the Ministry of Environment, but there is no information on endangered species and general species information has also been found to be very scantily. For this research, we secured a database of location information of Narrow-mouth frog, an endangered species, by combining literature and field research, and established a system by applying new technologies and open-based platform technologies that can be easily accessed by non-technical personnel of IT among IT technologies. The system was divided into administrator functions and user functions to prevent indiscriminate sharing of information through authentication procedures through user membership of users. The established system was authorized to show the distance between the current location and the location of the Narrow-mouth frog. Considering the ecological characteristics of the Narrow-mouth frog, which is an endangered species, a radius of 500m was marked to determine the habitat range. The system is expected to be applied to the legal system to change existing protected areas, etc. and to select new ones. It is estimated that practical reduction measures can be derived by utilizing the development plan for reviewing the natural environment. In addition, the deployed system has the advantage of being able to apply to a wide variety of endangered species by modifying the information entered.

GPS 위치기반, 멸종위기종, 맹꽁이 서식지, GPS Location-Based Web, Endangered Species, Kaloula borealis Habitat



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society