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Design and Implementation of Machine Learning-based Blockchain DApp System

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2020, v.6 no.4, pp.65-72

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In this paper, we developed a web-based DApp system based on a private blockchain by applying machine learning techniques to automatically identify Android malicious apps that are continuously increasing rapidly. The optimal machine learning model that provides 96.2587% accuracy for Android malicious app identification was selected to the authorized experimental data, and automatic identification results for Android malicious apps were recorded/managed in the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain system. In addition, a web-based DApp system was developed so that users who have been granted the proper authority can use the blockchain system. Therefore, it is possible to further improve the security in the Android mobile app usage environment through the development of the machine learning-based Android malicious app identification block chain DApp system presented. In the future, it is expected to be able to develop enhanced security services that combine machine learning and blockchain for general-purpose data.

머신러닝, 블록체인, DApp 시스템, 안드로이드, 악성 앱 탐지, 모바일 보안, Machine Learning, Blockchain, DApp System, Android System, Malicious App Detection, Mobile Security



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society