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Analysis of Public Sector Sharing Rate based on the IoT Device Classification Methodology

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2022, v.8 no.1, pp.65-72

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The Internet of Things (IoT) provides data convergence and sharing functions, and IoT technology is the most fundamental core technology in creating new services by convergence of various cutting-edge technologies. However, there are different classification systems for the Internet of Things, and when it is limited to the domestic public sector, it is difficult to properly grasp the current status of which devices are installed and operated with what share, and systematic data or research The results are very difficult to find. Therefore, in this study, the relevance of the classification system for IoT devices was analyzed according to reality based on sales, shipments, and growth rate, and based on this, the actual share of IoT devices among domestic public institutions was analyzed in detail. The derived detailed analysis results are expected to be efficiently utilized in the process of selecting IoT devices for research and analysis to advance information protection technology such as responding to malicious code attacks on IoT devices, analyzing incidents, and strengthening security vulnerabilities.

Internet of Things, classification system, public sector, domestic and overseas market share, IoT device classification and status identification, 사물인터넷, 분류 체계, 공공분야, 국내외 점유율, IoT 기기 분류 및 현황 파악



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society