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Analysis of Cyber Incident Artifact Data Enrichment Mechanism for SIEM

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2022, v.8 no.5, pp.1-9

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As various services are linked to IoT(Internet of Things) and portable communication terminals, cyber attacks that exploit security vulnerabilities of the devices are rapidly increasing. In particular, cyber attacks targeting heterogeneous devices in large-scale network environments through advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks are on the rise. Therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness of the response system in the event of a breach, it is necessary to apply a data enrichment mechanism for the collected artifact data to improve threat analysis and detection performance. Therefore, in this study, by analyzing the data supplementation common elements performed in the existing incident management framework for the artifacts collected for the analysis of intrusion accidents, characteristic elements applicable to the actual system were derived, and based on this, an improved accident analysis framework The prototype structure was presented and the suitability of the derived data supplementary extension elements was verified. Through this, it is expected to improve the detection performance when analyzing cyber incidents targeting artifacts collected from heterogeneous devices.

사물인터넷, 보안 정보 및 이벤트 관리(SIEM), 사이버 침해사고 대응, 데이터 보완 메커니즘., Internet of Things, Security Information and Event Management(SIEM), Cyber Incident Response, Data Enrichment Mechanism.



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society