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Dementia Patient Wandering Behavior and Anomaly Detection Technique through Biometric Authentication and Location-based in a Private Blockchain Environment

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2022, v.8 no.5, pp.119-125

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With the recent increase in dementia patients due to aging, measures to prevent their wandering behavior and disappearance are urgently needed. To solve this problem, various authentication methods and location detection techniques have been introduced, but the security problem of personal authentication and a system that can check indoor and outdoor overall was lacking. In order to solve this problem, various authentication methods and location detection techniques have been introduced, but it was difficult to find a system that can check the security problem of personal authentication and indoor/outdoor overall. In this study, we intend to propose a system that can identify personal authentication, basic health status, and overall location indoors and outdoors by using wristband-type wearable devices in a private blockchain environment. In this system, personal authentication uses ECG, which is difficult to forge and highly personally identifiable, Bluetooth beacon that is easy to use with low power, non-contact and automatic transmission and reception indoors, and DGPS that corrects the pseudorange error of GPS satellites outdoors. It is intended to detect wandering behavior and abnormal signs by locating the patient. Through this, it is intended to contribute to the prompt response and prevention of disappearance in case of wandering behavior and abnormal symptoms of dementia patients living at home or in nursing homes.

생체인증, 위치기반, 프라이빗 블록체인, 이상징후 탐지, Biometric Authentication, Location-based, Private Blockchain, Anomaly Detection



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society