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Improved Hot data verification considering the continuity and frequency of data update requests

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2022, v.8 no.5, pp.33-39

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A storage device used in the mobile computing field should have low power, light weight, durability, etc., and should be able to effectively store and manage large-capacity data generated by users. NAND flash memory is mainly used as a storage device in the field of mobile computing. Due to the structural characteristics of NAND flash memory, it is impossible to overwrite in place when a data update request is made, so it can be solved by accurately separating requests that frequently request data update and requests that do not, and storing and managing them in each block. The classification method for such a data update request is called a hot data identification method, and various studies have been conducted at present. This paper continuously records the occurrence of data update requests using a counting filter for more accurate hot data validation, and also verifies hot data by considering how often the requested update requests occur during a specific time.

Nand Flash Memory, FTL, Hot Data Identification, Garbage Collection, Mapping Algorithm



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society