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Development and Validation of Children's Executive Function Deficits Inventory(CEFDI)


The purpose of this study was to develop a Children's Executive Function Deficits Inventory(CEFDI), and examine its reliability and validity. In the first part of the study, the factors of CEFDI were categorized based on a review of both the literature and a number of existing inventories, and then CEFDI was developed through content and face validity. The CEFDI was then conducted for 1022 students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades at four elementary schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, the inventories of 931 of these children were subsequently analyzed. The item validity of CEFDI was proved by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. In the second part of the study, the internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity were analyzed. In order to verify convergent validity, self-report scales, such as ‘Self Regulation Scale, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Ⅱ, and ADHD Children's Scale’, and neuropsychological tests, such as ‘Tower of Hanoi Test, Stroop Color and Word Test, Children's Color Trails Test, and Digit Span’, were executed. Subjects for the second part of the study included 159 students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in elementary school in Seoul. The CEFDI consisted of 29 questions and was confirmed to be a reliable and valid assessment tool to measure executive function deficits in children.

executive functions, executive functioning, frontal lobe function, validation, 실행 기능, 집행 기능, 전두엽 관리 기능, 척도 개발, 타당화 연구



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