ISSN : 2093-3843
This study examined the effects of acute stress on depression and anxiety in 110 crime victims, and verified the moderating effects of emotion dysregulation and social support by gender. The results of the study are as follows. First, there was no difference in the level of acute stress, depression, anxiety, and emotion dysregulation depending on the type of crime. However, in case of victims who have experienced crimes more than three times, their depression and anxiety level was higher than those who experienced crimes less than twice. Second, acute stress, emotion dysregulation,, and social support due to crime damage did not show any significant sex difference. However, women showed significantly higher levels of depression and anxiety than men. Third, in the case of male victims, emotion dysregulation showed a significant moderating effect in the relationship between acute stress and depression/anxiety, but the female victims had no such effect. Fourth, social support for both male and female victims did not moderate the relationship between acute stress and depression/anxiety. The results of this study suggest that the negative emotions experienced by the crime victims during the acute stress stage due to crime damage require different therapeutic interventions depending on their gender. Finally, the significances and limitations of the study are discussed.
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