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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among inner meaning of work, Protean career and subjective career success. More specially, This study investigated not only the influence of inner meaning of work on subjective career success that is mediated by protean career but also the moderating effect of career-supported mentoring on the relationship between protean career and subjective career success. To perform this study, online survey was conducted by korean employees who were working in various organization and received formal or informal mentoring. Data gathered from 191 employees were used for analyses. The results showed that inner meaning of work had positive effects on protean career as well as subjective career success. Also, protean career partially mediated the relationship between inner meaning of work and subjective career success. Career-supported mentoring moderated the relationship between protean career and subjective career success. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
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