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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

President Rhee's Autonomy toward U.S. in 1950s

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2007, v.30 no.2, pp.199-229
Lee Wan Bom
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Even though the United States made Syngman Rhee the founding father of Korea's new republic, the all US decision makers didn't support him. In face of Pusan Incident of 1952 and Constitutional Amendment of 1954, the US was shocked by Rhee's unlawful provocations. After all Americans planned to eliminate the President Rhee to power. As they had not conviction of alternate leadership, their plan became the wastepaper. So there was no alternative except to support the President Syngman Rhee in the first half of 1950's. In the late 1950's, those close to the President Rhee monopolized Korean Politics. Then the US' skepticism of Rhee's authoritarian leadership was deepened. So Americans explored the contingency and succession plans, their plans realized in the vortex of the April revolution of 1960. Although Rhee Adminstration's political autonomy toward the US became stronger, the real autonomy was very weak.

이승만, 리더십, 미국, 자율성, 주권, 부산정치파동, 사사오입개헌, 이승만제거계획, 에버레디계획, 4·19, Syngman Rhee, leadership, The United States, autonomy, sovereignty, Pusan Incident of 1952, Constitutional Amendment of 1954, Plan to Eliminate Syngman Rhee, Plan Everready, The April Revolution.



(1952~19541984) Department of State Foreign Relations of the United States,


(1958~19601994) Department of State Foreign Relations of the United States,


(1990) 사월혁명연구소 한국사회변혁운동과 4월혁명,

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