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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

A Cultural Cognitive Mapping of Korean American Stage: Sung Rno and Julia Cho.

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2010, v.33 no.2, pp.103-128

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In the mainstream of the Asian American literature tradition, the second generation of Korean-American playwrights occupies a new and distinctive place. As late boomers, they play vital roles in spearheading the movement of the Asian American theater characterized by a new poetics saturated in postmodernism. Korean-American playwrights, including Sung Rno and Julia Cho, have presented new models of Korean-American identity in their dramatic works sparkling with visions of multicultural imaginations. It is notable that these writers who belong to the 1.5 or 2nd generation attempt to unearth the memories and emotions their parents have buried at the bottom of their hearts. Their plays thus endeavor to divulge and articulate the oppression and pain suffered by their parents, which have not been voiced in the white-dominant discourses of the American society. In addition, they have tried to subvert stereotypical images constructed within the hegemonic discourses, by presenting a wide variety of Korean-American characters. Included in one of the quests to identify multicultural American selves is the project of re-discovering their ethnic identities by digging deep into the ancestors’ memories and anguish. Neither do these Korean-American playwrights adhere to the issue of "claiming America," nor attempt to find the foundations of their identities in blood and tradition. In this regard, their attitude is distinguishable from former Asian-American writers who protested against discrimination while claiming their rights to American citizenship.

Korean American Theatre, Asian American Theatre, Korean American Playwrights, Sung Rno, Julia Cho, Hybridity, Subaltern, Diaspora, 한국계 미국 연극, 아시아계 미국 연극, 한국계 미국 극작가, 성 노, 줄리아 조, 잡종성, 서벌턴, 디아스포라, Korean American Theatre, Asian American Theatre, Korean American Playwrights, Sung Rno, Julia Cho, Hybridity, Subaltern, Diaspora



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