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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

A Japanese Diplomat’s View of Late‒19th‒century Korea: Focusing on Kondo Maski’s Nulhun Yugo

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2018, v.41 no.4, pp.159-182
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Kondo Maski (近藤真鋤, 1840‒1892) joined the Japanese Foreign Ministry in 1870. Appointed as a Busan port manager in 1876, he served as a consular officer and chargé d’affaires in Korea, working for Japanese diplomatic relations in Korea for 15 years. After his death, his book, Nulhun Yugo (訥軒遺稿) was published in 1893, which included 69 Chinese‒language poems and proses in addition to a preface and a postscript. About one‒half of them relate to the period of his diplomatic assignment in Korea. While Nulhun Yugo is a collection of Kondo’s writings, it may be understood as being reflective of the overall view of Japanese diplomats toward Korea at the time. Kondo advanced to the Meiji diplomatic mission in the 1860s through the network of the Kyoto Kuge (公家) and served as a Japanese diplomat from the 1870s to the 1980s. During his stay in Korea, he portrayed Korea and Japan with the image of uncivilization vs. civilization. Based on the historical awareness, he projected the view of conquering Korea on the excuse of making Korea civilized under Japanese leadership. He employed Chinese‒language literary forms to define the conditions of Korea as being a ‘big fish in a little pond,’ ‘in internal and external woes,’ and ‘at the brink of collapse’ and call for its overthrow.

곤도 마스키(Kondo Maski), 눌헌유고(Nulhun Yugo), 한문학(Chinese literature), 외교관(Diplomat), 문명(civilization)



近藤愿吉·高橋剛吉, 『訥軒遺稿』. 1893.


近藤真鋤 和解, 『朝鮮八域誌』. 1881.


近藤真鋤, 「朝鮮に就いて」. 『東京地学協会報告』 第十三年第壱號, 1891.


石幡貞, 「近藤眞鋤傳」. 『東嶽文抄』 3권, 1910.


「国立公文書館 デジタルアーカイブ」.




山口久雄編, 『幕末明治 海外体験詩集』. 大東文化大学, 1984


허경진, 「일본 시인 이시바타 사다의 눈에 비친 19세기 부산의 모습」. 『인문학논총』 15‒1, 2010, 49‒71쪽.


大沼宜規, 「日本漢詩翻訳索引」. 『参考書誌研究』 75, 2011, 1‒21쪽.

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