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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

Personnel Management Practices and Changing Trends through the Hongmunrok(弘文錄) in the 17th Century

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2023, v.46 no.3, pp.45-82
Yun, Hye-min
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The Hongmunrok is a list of candidates selected to become officials of the Hongmun-gwan(弘文館).The process of selecting Hongmun-gwan officials was conducted with great care. First, the Hongmun-gwan selected candidates and compiled the Bon-gwanrok(本館錄). Then, the Do-dang(都堂) reviewed and revised the list to create the Do-dangrok(都堂錄), which was ultimately used to select the candidates. By comprehensively analyzing the registrants and differences between the Bon-gwanrok and Do-dangrok from the reigns of King Hyojong to King Sukjong, as well as the conflict associated with them, it is evident that the criteria and trends in the selection process varied by era. Common features that appeared throughout the three eras were that a high proportion of Hanyang residents were selected, the high age of registrants was a significant factor in disqualification, and the proportion of additional Do-dangrok registrants gradually increased. Differences in personnel management during the three eras included a decreasing emphasis on family background and a greater emphasis on skills through examinations. This trend was especially pronounced during the reign of King Hyunjong. In the early years of King Sukjong’s reign, just as in King Hyojong’s reign, many officials from powerful clans were selected as registrants, and the proportion of registrants affiliated to certain factions changed in response to changes in the political climate. On the one hand, registrants were not exclusively selected based on their faction affiliation, and there was a trend of selecting individuals with basic skills, such as those who passed the state examination. On the other hand, there were cases where the king intervened in the selection process of Hongmunrok, such as the special exclusion of Lee Kyung-yuk(李慶億) during King Hyojong’s reign and Lee Sa-myeong(李師命) during King Sukjong’s reign. The selection of Hongmun-gwan officials through the 17th century Hongmunrok operated under a system that applied public selection criteria, rather than the personal preferences of influential figures(圈點者), to identify talented individuals with scholarly knowledge and ability to handle high-level positions.

홍문록(弘文錄), 홍문관(弘文館), 청요직(淸要職), Hongmunrok, Hongmun-gwan, Cheongyojik

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Korean Studies Quarterly