본 연구는 TQM의 철학과 원칙, 핵심개념, 적용방법 등에 관한 이론적 배경을 고찰하고 TQM 핵심개념의 도서관 적용을 분석함으로써 도서관의 TQM 적용모형 개발에 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 미국과 일본의 대표적인 질 연구자들의 철학과 원칙을 고찰하고 그들이 공통으로 제시한 핵심개념을 도출하여 이들 요소들의 도서관 적용을 분석하고 대안을 제시하였다.
The pnpose of the study is to offa the basic data in TQM dcation Ilndel fca h i thrcugh investjga!iOn of m s tlxm-dic hackgnxnd, such as philosophy, pincides, mil2 am?s, aL&atirn mlhods and d y s i s of TQM &cation for h i . For this pnpose, phil&y and pinddes that reprrsentive quality expats in America and jam^, such as bring, Juran, G-osby, Ishkawa, M, wae investigated
Kaoru Ishikawa. .
Donald E. Riggs. (1992). Strategic Quality Management in Libraries. Advances in Librarianship, 16, 97.
Harai. (1993). Ten reasons why TQM doesn't work. Management Review, (January), 33-38.
Joseph M. Juran. .
Philip B. Crosby. .
C. W. L. Hart; C. E. Bogam. .
Mary Elizabeth Clack. (1993). Organizational Development and TQM : The Harvard College Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 19-43.
Debbie Ellis;Bob Norton. .
Arlene Farber Sirkin. (1993). Customer Service : Another Side of TQM. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 71-83.
William Edwards Deming. .
Robert Bluck;Chris Pinder;Maxine Melling. Organizing Libraries for Customers.
William Edwards Deming. .
Philip B. Crosby. .
Rosanna M. O'Neil. .
Joseph M. Juran. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
J. S. Oakland. .
Susan Jurow;Susan R. Barnard. (1993). Introduction : TQM Fundamentals and Overview of Contents. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 1-13.
Karyle Butcher. (1993). Total Quality Management : The Oregon State University Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 45-56.
Richard T. Sweeney. (1994). Leadership in the Post-Hierarchical Library. Library Trends, 3, 62-94.
Robert Bluck;Chris Pinder;Maxine Melling. Organizing Libraries for Customers.
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
이상복. (1998). 도서관의 이용자중심 서비스 질 평가와 측정에 관한 이론적 고찰. 한국문헌정보학회지, 32(3), 265-280.
Donald E. Riggs. (1992). Strategic Quality Management in Libraries. Advances in Librarianship, 16, 93-105.
W. David Penniman. (1993). Quality Reward and Awards : quality has own reward, but an award helps speed the process. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 127-136.
백항기. .
Masaaki Imai. .
Constance F. Towler. (1993). Problem Solving Teams in Total Quality Management. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 97-112.
Daniel Sell;Mary Ellen Motola;Rosanna M. O'Neil. Quality Circles and Library Management.
Daniel Sell;Mary Ellen Motola;Rosanna M. O'Neil. Quality Circles and Library Management.
Susan Jurow;Susan B. Barnard. (1993). Tools for Measuring and Improving Performance. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 113-126.
Karyle Butcher. (1993). Total Quality Management : The Oregon State University Library's Experience. Journal of Library Administration, 18(1/2), 45-56.
Masaaki Imai. .
B. Stratton. (1990). What makes it take?, What makes it break?. Quality Progress, (April), 14-18.
Masaaki Imai. .
C. Handy. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
Peter Brophy;Kate Coulling. .
C. W. L. Hart; C. E. Bogam. .