ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF SOLUTIONS FOR DIFFERENCE EQUATION <TEX>$x_{n+1}\;=\;{\alpha}\;+\;\beta{x_{n-1}}^{p}/{x_n}^p$</TEX>
한국수학교육학회지시리즈B:순수및응용수학 / Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, (P)1226-0657; (E)2287-6081
2004, v.11 no.1, pp.15-22
Liu, Zhaoshuang
(College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal University)
Zhang, Zhenguo
(College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal University)
Liu, Zhaoshuang,
Zhang, Zhenguo.
(2004). ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF SOLUTIONS FOR DIFFERENCE EQUATION <TEX>$x_{n+1}\;=\;{\alpha}\;+\;\beta{x_{n-1}}^{p}/{x_n}^p$</TEX>. 한국수학교육학회지시리즈B:순수및응용수학, 11(1), 15-22.
In this paper, we investigate asymptotic stability, oscillation, asymptotic behavior and existence of the period-2 solutions for difference equation <TEX>$x_{n+1}\;=\;{\alpha}\;+\;\beta{x_{n-1}}^{p}/{x_n}^p$</TEX> where <TEX>${\alpha}\;{\geq}\;0,\;{\beta}\;>\;0.\;<TEX>$\mid$</TEX>p<TEX>$\mid$</TEX>\;{\geq}\;1$</TEX>, and the initial conditions <TEX>$x_{-1}\;and\;x_0$</TEX> are arbitrary positive real numbers.
- keywords
difference equation,
period-2 solution