The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Korean-Parental Overprotection Scale (K-POS). In study 1, several focus-group interviews were conducted to identify the main factors of parental overprotection in Korea and the initial pool of items was constructed. An exploratory factor analysis (n=331) was conducted and yielded 5 factors with 33 items. The revised 33 items were administered to 956 adolescents whose data was split into two data sets. In Study 2, additional EFA and a CFA were conducted to finalize the instrument. An exploratory principal axis factor analysis (n= 478) with promax rotation was conducted for mothers and fathers separately. Four factors-Identification (three items), Control (four items), Goal achieving (four items) and Face culture (four items)-were extracted, resulting in a 15-item scale. To validate the four-factor model, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted (n= 478) and good/moderate fit indices were found for both mothers and fathers. In study 3, evidence of K-POS’s moderate internal consistency and test-retest reliability as well as convergent and discriminant validity were also provided. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study were discussed.
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