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Korean Journal of School Psychology

The Mediating Effects of Self-efficacy in the Relationships between Adolescent’s Traumatic Experience and Social Anxiety


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of self-efficacy in the relationships between adolescent's traumatic experience and social anxiety. The subjects were 673 students(meal 323 students, female 350 students) who belong to the middle schools and the first and second grade of high schools in Seoul and Gyeong-gi Province. The adolescent assessed by Korea social anxiety scale for adolescent(SAS-A), Social phobia and anxiety inventory for children(SPAI-C), Traumatic experience scale and Self-Efficacy Scale(SES). The results of this study were as follows: First, the positive correlations between performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and performance, interpersonal anxiety were significant. Performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and general and social Self-efficacy showed low but negative correlations. General, social Self-efficacy and performance and interpersonal anxiety showed negative correlations. Second, performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and general, social self-efficacy had an effects on the performance and the interpersonal anxiety directly. Third, general and social self-efficacy mediated in the relationships between adolescent's performance, interpersonal traumatic experience and performance, interpersonal anxiety. As a result, this study showed that traumatic experience had an effects on the social anxiety directly, and these could influence social anxiety mediating by self-efficacy. It was developed performance and interpersonal anxiety in case of experiencing traumatic experience. So it was confirmed the importance of self-efficacy in adolescent's social anxiety.

사회불안, 대인불안, 수행불안, 외상경험, 자기효능감, social anxiety, performance anxiety, interpersonal anxiety, traumatic experience, self-efficacy



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Korean Journal of School Psychology