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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Middle school students' perceptions and their own level of peer relationship competence


The purpose of this study is to explore middle school students' perception of peer relationship competence by concept mapping and to find out the importance of each statement describing peer relationship competence and their own level of competence. For this, 18 students solicited, gathered and analyzed statements that 160 middle school students' participated and wrote and then did multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. In addition, 156 students rated the importance of each describing peer relationship competence and their own level of competence. Results were as follows: First, 79 statements of peer relationship competence were solicited and as a result of concept mapping peer relationship competence were categorized as ‘emotional characteristic’, ‘enterprising’, ‘group harmony’, ‘social skill’, ‘material factor’, ‘physical factor’ and ‘external strong force’. Second, except for ‘group harmony’ in all categories, importance of peer relationship competence and middle school students' level of competence showed no significant differences. To compare with the precedent study about high school students, they consider external categories as a factor of peer relationship competence, but high school students considered internal categories divided into relationship formation and promotion as a factor of peer relationship competence. As this study explored middle school students' peer relationship competence in 7 categories, it suggested that program for middle school students who are having trouble with peer relationship and measurement scale considered characteristic of middle school students' peer relationship should be developed.

또래관계 역량, 발달단계, 개념도, Peer relationship competence, developmental stage, concept mapping



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Korean Journal of School Psychology