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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Moderation Effects of Teacher's Preference on the Relationship between Children's Social Behaviors and Peer Status


The purpose of this study was to find out teacher's preference on peer status as a significant factor. It investigated the moderating effects of teacher's preference especially in regard to how children's social behaviors affect peer status. The subjects were 371 children and 12 homeroom teachers of the classes. The children's social behaviors and peer preferences were measured by using peer nomination while teacher's preferences with a self-reported method. The questionnaire by Lease(2002) was adapted to measure peer status, which was divided into peer preference and peer popularity. Children's social behaviors are adapted to measure separately in prosocial behavior(Chang, 2004), overt aggression(Rose, 2004), relational aggression and withdrawal(Chang, 2007). Teacher's preferences were adapted to be measurable by using the Mercer & DeRosier's scale(2008). The results showed the moderating effect of teacher's preferences were found among overt aggression, withdrawal and peer preference. Teacher's preference acted as a dangerous factor for the overtly aggressive students, while protective ones for the withdrawn. Secondly, the teacher's preference moderated the association among prosocial behavior, overt aggression, withdrawal and peer popularity. Peer preference acted as a protective factor to strengthen peer popularity for the prosocial and withdrawn. But teacher's preference acted as a dangerous factor for the overtly aggressive students. It seem that teacher's dislike for the aggressive students with higher grades increases their popularity, acting as a dangerous factor.

teacher's preference, peer preference, peer popularity, children's social behaviors, 교사 선호도, 또래 선호도, 또래 인기도, 사회적 행동특성



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Korean Journal of School Psychology