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Editorial Policy

Research ethics

Article 1 (Purpose) This regulation aims to maintain the high standard of the Space Note journal and contribute to the development of aerospace academia by presenting basic ethical principles and directions that members of the Space Technology Research Institute should observe in conducting research activities.

Article 2 (Ethical Regulations of Authors) The author of a submitted paper shall comply with the following ethical regulations in writing and submitting the paper.

 1. In the process of conducting research, authors must ensure universality such as respect for human rights, compliance with bioethics, and environmental protection, and conduct research on subjects of sufficient academic value.

 2. The author should completely, concisely and accurately describe the research content and results in the paper to be submitted, and should not distort the inappropriate use (plagiarism) of other researchers' data or the research results.

 3. The author must clearly identify the source by including it in the reference when using publicly available academic materials that are closely related to the research content of the paper.

 4. When the author intends to cite undisclosed information obtained through personal contact, he/she shall utilize it after obtaining the consent of the researcher who provided the information.

 5. The act of double-posting a paper that the author has posted or published in another academic journal to this conference is not permitted as an act of injustice.

 6. All researchers who have made important contributions to the research process must be co-authors, and the corresponding author or the responsible author is responsible for all parts related to the paper.

 7. For non-academic support such as administrative and financial support, or simple academic advice, it is desirable to indicate related contents through reviews.

 8. Before submitting the paper, the author must obtain approval from the person concerned with copyright, etc., if necessary, and confirm that no form of dispute will arise in the future.

 9. If an error is found in a paper after the post-post submission, it is the author's duty to correct it or withdraw the paper.

Article 3 (Ethical Regulations of Judges) Judges shall examine papers submitted in compliance with the following ethical regulations.

 1. Judges shall examine the papers fairly and objectively on a consistent basis without prejudice based on the author's gender, age, race, affiliated institution, or personal relationship with the author.

 2. Judges shall exclude examinations based on individual academic beliefs or assumptions that have not been fully verified.

 3. A judge shall respect the personality of the author as a professional intellectual, and shall specify in detail his/her judgment, correction, and supplementation of the examination paper.

Article 4 (Ethical Regulations of Editors) Editorial members (Chairperson, editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and editor-in-chief) shall conduct the examination and judgment of submitted papers in compliance with the following ethical regulations.

 1. Editorial members shall fairly and objectively perform the duties of judging the examination paper in accordance with the prescribed regulations without prejudice due to the gender, age, race, affiliated institution, or personal relationship with the author.

 2. The editorial board shall determine whether to publish the paper or to review it on a consistent basis based on the results of the examiner's review of the submitted paper.

 3. The editorial board shall not disclose or be useful information acquired during the examination process.

Article 5 (Research Ethics Committee) A research ethics committee may be temporarily operated to investigate unethical behavior, and the following procedures shall investigate and sanction unethical behavior.

 1. If an unethical act is detected or there is a petition during the review process of the submitted thesis, the editorial chairman judges the weight of the issue and, if necessary, forms a research ethics committee with some editorial members and experts in the relevant field.

 2. The Research Ethics Committee shall promptly conduct an objective and fair investigation of related matters, but shall provide the parties or the relevant institutions with an opportunity to explain in writing within 30 days, and the final report shall be submitted to the editorial committee.

 3. Based on the report prepared by the Research Ethics Committee, the editorial committee determines the level of disciplinary action against the actor and presents it to the board of directors.

 4. The board of directors takes final action by reviewing the research ethics committee report and editorial committee decisions, and if a previously published paper is involved, the publication of the paper may be retroactively canceled.

Article 6 (Other Matters) Matters not included in this Regulation shall be judged in accordance with relevant laws and social norms
